Thursday, May 20, 2010

Left 4 Dead 2

First game to be rated is the sequel to the zombie-shooter Left 4 Dead. Just like the first one, L4D2 is a co-op based game centered around four survivors and hordes of infected. Valve, the developer and one of my favorite game companies, ignored the cliche slow moving zombie and replaced them with running, screaming, rabies-infected people. To add some spice, there are also special infected in the game, such as the smoker, who has an extremely long tounge that he uses to grab and strangle the survivors, or the hunter, who jumps long distances and pins the survivors.
The way the game forces you to work together is an interesting concept. If one survivor takes too much damage, then he will be incapitated or "incapped". One of the other survivors must then revive him while the other two defend. The special infected also force cooperation. If a hunter pounces and pins a survivor, then another must push or shoot the hunter off, or the pinned survivor will die. All of this opts for an interesting game, but it has its downsides.
L4D2 added a hell of a lot more stuff, there's more weapons and such and the melee weapons are wiked fun, but I still feel like there's no story. The story is extremely lacking, besides being in the south and random stories about Ellis' friend Keith, there's not much story. Still, its a step up from an unamed city and some town called Riverside. Also i thought I was going to be treated to videos at different parts of the game where the survivors did more then say random things to each other, or when Ellis says hes a reload.
The biggest problem I found was that the AI for the survivors was ridiculous. If you don't have any friends, or their simply not on, the game will chew you up and spit you out. The AI survivors are morons. When they're not accidentally throwing themselves off a roof, they're abandoning you to be killed by a tank. In versus mode, where one team plays as infected and another plays as the survivors, the AI survivors can power through hordes of infected to save the person your going after, or can snipe you with the uzi from miles away.
Still, I can't constantly exploit whats wrong with the game. Valve fixed alot. A big problem with the first one was the lack of variety. Not very many guns to choose from, and there were only six special infected. The sequel has a huge array of guns to choose from, more thrown weapons, special ammo boxes, laser sights, melee weapons, and nine special infected.
As there have been obvious strides made since the last game, I give L4D2 a 7 out of ten because it still is not living up to it's potential.

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